METADATA FOR NATIONAL NATURAL LANDMARKS OF RHODE ISLAND A. Identification and Description 1. RIGIS-CAT-ID 2. DATA-SET-IDENT landmark 3. DISTRIB-NOTES 4. THEME-KEYWORDS national natural landmarks, habitat resources 5. DATA-SET-DESC National natural landmarks of Rhode Island. National natural landmarks are designated by the National Park Service. 6. ACC-REV-DATE 7. DATA-STRUCTURE poly topological with feature attributes 8. COORD-PRECISION arc/info single precision 9. INTENDED-USE Overlay analysis with environmentally sensitive areas for use with Rhode Island Resource Protection Project 10. INTENDED-SCALE 24,000 11. TRANSFER-FORMAT arc/info export 12. TRANSFER-SIZE 0.007 megabytes B. Spatial And Geographic Parameters 13. SPL-OBJ-TYPE poly 14. RESOLUTION not applicable 15. SPL-OBJECT-COUNT 2 16. AREA-EXT-BND State of Rhode Island 17. AREA-EXCL-BND 18. PROJECTION transverse mercator 19. COORDSYS-UNITS utm_19_meters 20. HORIZ-DATUM nad27 21. VERT-DATUM navd29 C. Relational Database And Attribute Information