
The Rhode Island Resource Protection Project is part of a New England-wide effort, initiated by EPA-New England, the state environmental regulatory agencies, and the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission, to identify the region's most ecologically healthy areas. Recognizing that human health and welfare are dependent on healthy, functioning natural ecosystems, and that there is a limited amount of time and money to spend on protecting the natural resources that make-up ecosystems, this process was developed to target the states' most important natural resources for attention.

A workgroup of diverse Rhode Island interests was convened in 1995. Following a process developed by the 1994 New Hampshire Pilot Project, the workgroup utilized Geographic Information System (GIS) technology to display a variety of resources in the state: habitat, water supply, agriculture, forestry, recreation, and environmental threats.

The workgroup has identified nine Resource Protection Areas that they agreed contain many of the state's most important natural resources. The intent of the project participants is to work through existing programs and facilitate partnerships to effectively protect valuable resources in these areas not to create new regulatory programs. Protection strategies will differ for each region, however it is recognized that in these times of limited fiscal resources, implementation will not be possible without the full involvement of local governments, state environmental and resource agencies, private organizations, and federal agencies.

For Detailed Information on Specific Topics, See:

Resource Protection Project Goals, Benefits, and Results

Workgroup Members

Descriptions of Resource Protection Areas

Maps of Resource Protection Regions

Data Descriptions and Restrictions

GIS Data Layers

Other Resource Protection Projects

For additional information on the Rhode Island Resource Protection Project, contact:

New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission

255 Ballardvale Street

Wilmington, MA 01887

Tel: (508) 658-0500




EPA-New England, Rhode Island State Unit

JFK Federal Building-CRI

Boston, MA 02203

Tel: (617) 565-3619



Thanks to the URI Department of Natural Resources Science and the Rhode Island Cooperative Extension Program for hosting this web site.

Rhode Island Cooperative Extension provides equal program opportunities without regard to race, age, sex or preference, creed, or disability.